Sayajirao Gaekwad The Architect of Modern India


AUTHOR :- Baba Bhand
ISBN :- 9789352202669

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Maharaja Sayajirao of Baroda is one of the foremost architects of modern India.
He acknowledged that running a State was a science and the one who ruled it had to be knowledgeable. He embraced education and studied the best ways of governance from different countries in the world.
His passion for the welfare of his people found expression through great governance and the measures undertaken for the upliftment of his State and society.

He acknowledged that education and science were the paths to progress and transformation. He put in place, for the first time, compulsory and free primary education, improved law and order, aid and encouragement to agriculture and industry, social and religious reforms, and established equality among people in terms of caste and community. He chose the path of equality, brotherhood, secularism, and humanity.

The Maharaja was a patron of cultural, social, educational and literary expressions and pursuits. He generously helped several eminent men of the country, like Dadabhai Naoroji, Jamsetji Tata, Namdar Gokhale, Lokmanya Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi, Justice Ranade, Mahatma Phule, Rajarshi Shahu, Dr. Ambedkar, Pandit Malaviya, Karmaveer Bhaurao, Swatantryveer Savarkar, Maharshi Shinde, and others. The enormous amount that he gifted as an aid to several institutions is a testimony to the generosity of his spirit.
A new facet of his personality as not only a strong supporter of the revolutionaries but also a gifted man of letters is being brought forth. His books, speeches, letters, orders, and diaries are a magnificent historical treasure-trove of this land.

The Maharaja, who sought his spiritual emancipation in the welfare of his people, dreamt big for this country. It is up to each one of us, as an Indian, to fulfill his dreams.

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About Author

बाबा भांड
जन्म वडजी, पैठणजवळील खेड्यात, २८ जुलै १९४९.
बालपणापासून कमवा व शिका हा संस्कार. शिक्षण एम. ए. इंग्रजी. आठवीत बालवीर चळवळीत राष्ट्रपतीपदकाने सन्मानित. दहावीत जागतिक स्काउट-गाइड मेळाव्याच्या निमित्तानं अमेरिका-कॅनडा आदी दहा देशांचा प्रवास. लेखकच व्हायचं स्वप्न होतं. सहावीपासून लेखनास सुरुवात. १९७५ साली पत्नी सौ. आशाच्या मदतीनं धारा व नंतर साकेत प्रकाशनाची सुरुवात. आतापर्यंत अठराशे पुस्तकांचे प्रकाशन.
बाबा भांड यांच्या आतापर्यंत नऊ कादंबऱ्या, दोन कथासंग्रह, चार प्रवासवर्णनं, चार ललित गद्य, चार चरित्रं, चार आरोग्य व योग, नऊ संपादनं, चार अनुवाद, पंधरा किशोर कादंबऱ्या, एकोणावीस बालकथा संग्रह, तीन एकांकिका, सत्तावीस नवसाक्षरांची पुस्तके प्रकाशित.
साहित्य अकादमीचा बालसाहित्य, महाराष्ट्र शासनाचे अकरा, महाराष्ट्र फाउंडेशन, दमाणी आणि इतर पंधरा पुरस्कार. त्यांच्या साहित्यावर पाच विद्याथ्यांची पीएच.डी., अभ्यासक्रमात पुस्तके व पाठ.
जन्मगावी पाणलोटक्षेत्र विकास, वाचनालय, गरीब अपंग-मूकबधिर मुलांसाठी निवासी शाळा, योगसाधना संस्थेत विश्वस्त, समाजोपयोगी कामात सहभाग, प्रकाशनाच्या कमाईतून वरील कामासाठी पंचवीस लाखांहून अधिक मदत. लेखन-प्रकाशनासोबत शेती, प्रवास आणि फोटोग्राफीचा छंद. महत्त्वाचं जग फिरून झालंय.
अध्यक्ष, महाराष्ट्र राज्य साहित्य आणि संस्कृती मंडळ, मुंबई, तसेच सदस्य सचिव, महाराजा सयाजीराव गायकवाड चरित्र साधने प्रकाशन समिती, महाराष्ट्र शासन, मुंबई.
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