Religion in A Changing World


AUTHOR :- Sayajirao Gaekwad
ISBN :- 9789352202638

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Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad played a significant role in the creation of modern India.
He supported the reformists as also the nationalist movements and was a patron of innumerable social, cultural, academic and literary undertakings.
The Maharaja was a far-sighted, sagacious and discerning administrator.
He presided over the Second World Parliament of Religions.

In his presidential address at the event held in Chicago, he had said, “Religion is a part of human life. It ought to be flawless and honest.” His observations on the definition of the Divine as also the role that religion should play in a changing world are valid even today and are, in fact, the need of the day. He recognized that there was a thin line between religion and politics and started the department of religion in Baroda to bring about a confluence of religious as also civic values.

The Maharaja believed that there was nothing more sacred and powerful than knowledge. For a ruler, true liberation lay in working for his people. Religion had to be the protector and defender of the weak. That was the role it needed to play in the changing times. The Maharaja’s thoughts are pertinent even today. Maharaja Sayajirao generously supported Dadabhai Naoroji, the Grand Old Man of India, Mahatma Gandhi, Mahatma Phule, Dr. Ambedkar, Veer Savarkar, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil, Pandit Malaviya and many such iconic figures. His introspections and writings, urging equality, harmony and brotherhood, are an invaluable treasure of this land and can be inspirational in today’s times.

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About Author

जन्म : ११ मार्च १८६३ – ६ फेब्रु. १९३९ महाराजा सयाजीराव खंडेराव गायकवाड यांचा जन्म कौळाणे (नाशिक) गावात झाला. योगायोगाने ते बडोदा संस्थानचे राजा झाले. लहानपणीचे त्यांचे नाव गोपाळ होते. इ.स. १८७५ ते १९३९ या कालावधीत ते बडोदा संस्थानचे राजे होते. या दीर्घकाळात त्यांनी राजकीय, प्रशासन, शिक्षण, शेती, धर्म, समाजसुधारणा, आरोग्य, साहित्य, स्थानिक स्वराज्य अशा अनेक क्षेत्रांत लक्षणिय काम केले.
समाजसुधारणा करताना त्यांनी प्रजेतील शेवटच्या घटकाला कसा फायदा होईल याचा विचार केला. राज्यकारभार हाती घेतल्यावर काही लक्ष तोट्यात असणारे राज्य त्यांनी काटकसर आणि उत्पादनाचे स्त्रोत वाढवत जगात सातव्या क्रमांकाचे श्रीमंत बनवले. उपलब्ध झालेल्या धनाचा उपयोग त्यांनी अनेक व्यक्ती आणि संस्थांना सत्पात्री दान देत केला.


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